
BSA Updated Easier Requirements for 2016!!!

The number of requirements you need has changed, all the activities on this blog are still good, they just changed how many you need to do and some slight wording changes. but please check the new Requirements above to be sure you don't do unneeded work.

Bear Reqs. Webelos 1 Reqs. Webelos & Arrow Of Light Electives Arrow Of Light Reqs. Miscellaneous

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Bear Elective Adventures: Super Science

Bear Elective Adventures: Super Science


1. Make static electricity by rubbing a balloon or a plastic or rubber comb on a fleece
blanket or wool sweater. Explain what you learned.
2 min YouTube video on balloon static electricity experiments

Floating Bag static experiment

2. Conduct a balloon or other static electricity investigation that demonstrates
properties of static electricity. Explain what you learned.

2 min YouTube video on balloon static electricity experiments

3. Conduct one other static electricity investigation. Explain what you learned.
2 min YouTube video on balloon static electricity experiments

4. Do a sink-or-float investigation. Explain what you learned.
Sink or float coke vs diet coke, cool steve spangler  video
Quick science activity

For our foal sink experiment we made Cartesian divers like this... it's very cool
Cartesian divers out of pipettes and nuts

I used these Pipettes

and 5/16" nuts, and it worked perfectly , I didn't even have to add water into the pipette bulb.. it worked.. If you try it and they don't' float because you nuts are heavier, try a longer piece of pipette sticking out past the nut, or try adding salt to the water to make it heavier.

After we were done, we added 1 drop of 2 different colors of food coloring to the water, that was out color blending experiment.

5. Do a color-morphing investigation. Explain what you learned.
Another steve spangler color Morphing milk experiment

For our Color morphing experiment we made ooblek and added drops of food coloring to it..
have them wear disposable gloves, or accept that food coloring will get on their hands.
Ooblek and food coloring

Mostly I did this because kids dig ooblek so much, and added the food coloring to make it count.. 

6. Do a color-layering investigation. Explain what you learned.

Color layering vid 1 

Color laying vid 2  

I was lazy for color layering and bought these Gels, but honestly what am I going to use them for now?... So if you want, you can just put food coloring and a little water in ziplock bags and do the same thing by stacking them on white paper.

1 comment:

  1. Wow. Awesome stuff. I am going to do this with my cub scouts!
