
BSA Updated Easier Requirements for 2016!!!

The number of requirements you need has changed, all the activities on this blog are still good, they just changed how many you need to do and some slight wording changes. but please check the new Requirements above to be sure you don't do unneeded work.

Bear Reqs. Webelos 1 Reqs. Webelos & Arrow Of Light Electives Arrow Of Light Reqs. Miscellaneous

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Bear Adventure: Bear Necessities

Bear Adventure: Bear Necessities


1. While working on your Bear badge, camp overnight with your pack. If your chartered
organization does not permit Cub Scout camping, you may substitute a family
campout or a daylong outdoor activity with your den or pack.

2. Attend a campfire show, and participate by performing a song or skit with your den.

3. Make a list of items you should take along on your campout.
Here is a game I made to make this activity more fun!

4. Make a list of equipment that the group should bring along in addition to each Scout’s personal gear.

5. With your den, plan a cooked lunch or dinner that is nutritious and balanced. Make a shoppinglist, and help shop for the food. On a campout or at another outdoor event, help cook the meal and help clean up afterward.

6. Help your leader or another adult cook a different meal from the one you helped prepare for
requirement 5. Cook this meal outdoors.

7. Help set up a tent. Pick a good spot for the tent, and explain to your den leader why you
picked it.

8. Demonstrate how to tie two half hitches. Explain what they are used for.

9. Learn how to read a thermometer and a barometer. Keep track of the temperature and
barometric pressure readings and the actual weather at the same time every day for seven days.
Notes: Campouts, Organize camping meals into teams, team plan menu with parents of each kid help cook a whole meal
Required: Thermometer and Barometer (build?)
    • Supplies:
    • Rubber band
      • These may be wider than needed, I'm getting them in hope of being useful for more projects.
    • Orange Straws (add on)
      • These are bendy, you can get non bendy ones. These are orange, clear straws are used below, if you sharpy the end of the clear straw you can use clear for both this and the home made thermometer(which is optional, thus why I'm listing orange straws here).
    • 12 Pint Mason Jars with lids (quart is $2 more, same page)
      • You don't have to use mason jars, but the side need to be rigid (no plastic) and rubber needs to easily make an air right seal. If the jar is too small the air volume will not move to diaphragm (balloon) as much, same for a smaller diameter opening... I'll probably get pint anyway, so the left over jars are more useful to me...but that's your call.


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