
BSA Updated Easier Requirements for 2016!!!

The number of requirements you need has changed, all the activities on this blog are still good, they just changed how many you need to do and some slight wording changes. but please check the new Requirements above to be sure you don't do unneeded work.

Bear Reqs. Webelos 1 Reqs. Webelos & Arrow Of Light Electives Arrow Of Light Reqs. Miscellaneous

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Bear Adventure: Fellowship and Duty to God

Bear Adventure: Fellowship and Duty to God


Do either requirement 1 OR requirement 2.
1. Earn the religious emblem of your faith.

2. Complete 2a and at least two of requirements 2b–2d.

a. Working with a parent or guardian, spiritual advisor, or religious leader,
provide service to help a place of worship or spiritual community, school, community
organization, or chartered organization that puts into practice your ideals of duty to God
and strengthens your fellowship with others.
  • Our pack does servie for the church that is our charter organzation
 b. Identify a person whose faith and duty to God you admire, and discuss with your family.

c. Make a list of things you can do to practice your duty to God as you are taught in your
home or place of worship or spiritual community. Select two of the items, and practice
them for two weeks.

  1. We made this list together out loud.
d. Attend a religious service, den or pack meeting worship service, or time of family
reflection and discussion about your family’s beliefs.

  • Have the scouts and parents side bar to talk about their beliefs, and reflect on them.
  • The hold a non denominational prayer together (it's harder than you thing to be REALLY non denominational, so keep it vague!)

I'm going to add, a brief description of faiths of the world...I'm going to make a single handout or power point slide show:

Here are sources.
Living where I live (Austin)I'll probably briefly discuss both forms of paganism, just so kids will know what it is if/when the bump into it.

Guest speakers, Point of Grace chaplain?

This one is on the parents?
What about religious Bios handout, let teh kids read a few and pick one the like,  and then a quick Religious service at the den meeting?

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