The number of requirements you need has changed, all the activities on this blog are still good, they just changed how many you need to do and some slight wording changes. but please check the new Requirements above to be sure you don't do unneeded work.
Print out maps for the boys with compass, distances (even if only in blocks) and landmarks.
Give each boy a turn with the map and the compass, teach them to orient the north on the map to match the north on the compass first thing, before they try to read it any further. Each boy gets a turn to be the "trail leader"
we are doing an urban-ish hike, so they will use compass and street names to navigate.
Each boy gets a turn using the map to orient themselves and pick the next direction we go.
Each boy gets his own copy of the map and compass to follow along.
Remember, first orient the map to north, second find your self on the map... then try to find yoru way.
Teach each boy to watch the sun, or other land marks at every change of direction to figure out which "compass direction" he is moving towards now, and what landmark marks the turn. (we are going north west on main street at the corner of main and 1st. we are taking the right fork of the trail north., etc) (This is huge)
Have each boy after he has gone a few steps down the path, stop, and turn around, and look at the landmark (street sign, fork in the road, etc) from the _other_ side, so that if he has to back track later he will recognize it. (This is huge)
Complete a service project on or near the hike location.
We are going to hike past the school and plant trees at the elementary school, my 18yr old planted trees there with his wolf den and I get a happy feeling every time I drive past them :)
Perform one of the following leadership roles during your hike: trail leader, first-aid leader, lunch leader, or service project
IMHO, Rotate positions hike leader first aid leader, and tail end Charlie (last scout in line) at ever crossing or intersection, so every boy does each position..
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